Week 17

Final presentation

Conclusion of documentation

Week 16

M6 presentation

Planning final presentation

Week 15




Week 14

M5 presentation



Unity integration

Week 13

Automatation of tests

Unity integration


Unity integration

Week 12

M4 presentation

Log and ELK

Beginning docker project and broker.

Unity integration

Week 11

Academic week

Week 10

M3 presentation

Week 9

Changes on Kafka broker

Glassfish integration

Beginning docker project and broker.

Unity integration

Week 8

Exploring technologies learned on the practical class.

Beginning of REST API

Webservice flow

Unity integration

Week 7


Week 6

Working on Kafka topics and streams, user interface.

Unity integration

Week 5

Exploring technologies learned on the practical class.

Unity integration

Week 4

M2's presentation.

Week 3

Thoughts on project pipeline and architecture.

Start of documentation writing, on the project's website. Detailing user stories and functionalities of our solution.

Beginning docker project and broker.

Week 2

Understanding and defining the vision, scope and goals of the project.

Week 1

Choosing theme of project.

Last update: 16/05/2017